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my groundwork

Though Reiki is my core practice, I also identify as an energy worker to acknowledge influences from other domains such as shamanism, Qigong and intuitive healing that inspire my work and enrich the healing experience for my clients.


Animal Reiki I/II


(healing energy practice based on ancient Eastern principles and grounded in our connection to a higher universal energy)


*World Peace Reiki Master Upgrade training & certification

(April, 2022)

The International Center for Reiki Training

Instructor: Jill Thiel, Reiki Master Teacher


*Animal Reiki Master training & certification

(July, 2021)

The International Center for Reiki Training

*Animal Reiki 1&2 training & certification

(June, 2020)

Reiki Lifestyle

Instructors for Animal Reiki courses:

Colleen Benelli, Senior Professional Licensed Reiki Master Teacher

Sioux Strong, Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Animal Reiki Teacher

Robyn Benelli, Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master and Animal Reiki Teacher


*Registered Karuna Reiki® Master training & certification

Holy Fire® III

(September, 2019)

The International Center for Reiki Training

Instructor: Jill Thiel, Reiki Master Teacher


*Reiki Master training & certification

Usui/Holy Fire® III

(May, 2021 - refresher course)

The International Center for Reiki Training

Instructor: William Lee Rand, Senior Reiki Master/Teacher

Usui/Holy Fire® III

(January, 2019)

The Minnesota Center for Reiki Healing and Training

Instructor: Jill Thiel, Reiki Master Teacher


*Reiki 1&2 training & certification 

Usui/Holy Fire® III

(May, 2021 - refresher course)

The International Center for Reiki Training

Instructor: William Lee Rand, Senior Reiki Master/Teacher

Usui/Holy Fire®

(March, 2018)

The Minnesota Center for Reiki Healing and Training

Instructor: Jill Thiel, Reiki Master Teacher


Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.



(ancient spiritual tradition spanning cultures throughout the world that includes working with compassionate helping spirits for the purpose of healing)


*Spirit Flow - Shamanic Study for Women (~4 year program)

Year 4: diving deeper and refining skills learned

(April, 2024 - December, 2024)

Year 3: master classes for advanced students

compassionate spirit release, soul retrieval, curse unraveling

(April, 2023 - March, 2024)

Year 2: advanced studies / shamanic healing techniques

divination, psychopomp work, energy intrusion extraction, power animal retrieval

(April, 2022 - March, 2023)

Year 1: ceremony, journeying, study of shamanic concepts and techniques

(April, 2021 - March, 2022)

Instructor: Mary Newstrom, PhD

Zenith High 


Foundation for Shamanic Studies

Shamanic Healing Training (certificate of completion earned 7/2024)

*Core Shamanism Healing Practice TM

(July, 2024)

*Power Soul Retrieval Method TM

(June, 2024)

Instructor: Ellen Winner

*Shamanic Extraction Healing Method TM

(October, 2023)

Instructor: Antoinette Cresci de la Torre

*The Shaman As Psychopomp TM

(March, 2023)

*Inspired Shamanic Practice: Essentials of Effective & Principled Shamanic Healing TM

(November, 2022)

Instructor: Narrye Caldwell


*Shamanism, Spirits and Healing TM

(November, 2022)

*The Shamanic Worldview: Everything is Alive TM

(October, 2022)

Instructor: Ellen Winner

*Shamanic Divination In Practice TM

(May, 2019)

*Way of the Shaman® The Basics

(June, 2018)

Instructor: Timothy Cope

Rattle and Drum Journeys


Foundation for Shamanic Studies

*Shamanic Dreamwork TM

(February, 2019)

Instructor: Timothy Cope

Rattle and Drum Journeys



(several thousand year old Chinese practice of cultivating and balancing energy for health and well-being)


Spring Forest Qigong

*Qigong - level 2 training (for healers) & certification

(March, 2022)

*Qigong - level 1 training (Qi activation) & certification

(December, 2021)

Instructor: Gadu Doushin, Spring Forest Qigong Master and Master Teacher,

Heart of Tao Resonance Art


*Qigong Introduction

(March, 2020)

(October - November, 2019)

(April - May, 2019)

Minneapolis Community Education

Instructor: Joe Welch, certified Spring Forest Qigong instructor


intuitive healing

(intuition-guided energy adjustments to support healing)


*Hands on Healing

(October - November, 2017)

Instructor: Carol Lowell 


*Intensive Laying on Hands Healing

(July, 2016)

Instructor: Echo Bodine


intuition and psychic development


*Developing Intuition

(October, 2016 - March, 2017)  

*Psychic Spiritual Development

(October, 2015 - January, 2016)

Instructor: Echo Bodine


*Animal Communication parts I and II

(August, 2015) 

Instructor: Lena Swanson


*Beginning/Foundation Psychic Development

(September, 2014 - June, 2015) 

Instructor: Cindy Lehman


giving back ...


*VolunteerHealing for Our Furkids

Healing for Our Furkids is a global community of volunteer healing practitioners founded in September, 2021 dedicated to offering free distance healing for animals of all kinds around the world.

(September, 2021 - ongoing)


*Intuitive Healing HelperEcho Bodine's Healing Pen Pals program

Free absentee/distance healing for people and animals worldwide.

(September, 2016 - ongoing)



Animal Reiki Master
World Peace Upgrade
Reiki I/II
Qigong 1 & 2
intuitve healing
FSS certificate
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